Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Opus week 8

A revision is another iteration of a previous work. Revisions are highly recommended for design. If you revise something it will help you learn from the mistakes you made in the first model so that you can improve the next one. In studio we are constantly reminded to revise our work, we do it knowing that our work will turn out better the more times we make it. In history you often find that architects will take other peoples work and revise them and make them their own. "In Sant' Andrea Alberti had to do as Brunelleschi had done previously ...devise a scheme..."(Roth 371) he had to revise his previous plans and create something that worked.

An audience is a set of people who view your work. In design it is important to interact with your audience. You can achieve interaction by making models that they can touch and move around, also by having examples of the materials you plan to use so the audience can see and feel the textures and colors. Pieto da Corlona, a famous artist of the renaissance, worked with illusionism in one of his ceiling paintings made them “…appear open to the sky and the figures seen from below appear forced down into the room as well as soar out of it.”(Blakemore 154)

Character is important in a project. If a project has character it will be more attractive and make it interesting. You can add character by making a part of the project unique or by adding details. Character is often found in history. The old and unique details of Venice, Italy give the city character that still attracts people from all around the world. The city is built on the water and this is a characteristic that people know worldwide. In the baroque period “…architecture took on the properties most characteristic of painting.”(153) Meaning that some things that paintings are known for were used in architecture.

A transition is the movement from on thing to another. This week we have transitioned into a new project where we are working with natural objects and natural light. I feel that the object I chose made a transition on to paper where it was portrayed in patterns more so than in the literal sense. In projects it sometimes is important for transition to be present. You want the design to be diverse but still relate back to the beginning therefore you need a smooth transition. As architecture transitions from one time period to the next you see that the new architecture still relates back to the past. Essentially change happens a transition is a way of filling the gap between the two. In on of Leon Battista Alberti’s Latin Cross Churches he “…was confronted with the problem of making a graceful transition from the tall center nave to the lower side aisles.”(Roth 367) Showing you that transition can not be abrupt it must be handled with care.

Datum is a fixed starting point of a scale or operation. In design datum lines are used to make presentations or displaying of work more professional and readable. When displaying our work on the walls of the critique room we are encouraged to hang everyone’s work on a central datum line, meaning they are all the same height from the floor and ceiling. This makes for easier understanding and a not so chaotic presentation. "The goal of [renaissance architecture] was purity, a state of absolute balance and rational order."(Roth 381).

This week has been about improving design. With each word we find that it is another detail in the design process that needs to be present for a successful design. Revisions and character deal with the design itself. Adding character to a design and then revising it accentuates a design and will appeal to your audience. By using a central datum line and using a nice transition you will create a professional presentation that is understandable for the audience.

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